insert quippy title here

This used to just be a way to pass the time at a job where very little was expected of me and with very little oversight. Things are a little different now. I work in insurance and, well, I sort of hate it. Constantly. I'm not sure what that has to do with this blog, except that it is about to become the place where I spew the vitriole that has built up over the last year and a half. It's this or I burn the place down, and that sounds like fun, but I'm sure it would just be a hassle.

Location: La plus-ou-moins-belle province., Canada

I started this thing working at a job I loved, where I had nearly unlimited internet access and free time. I was basically paid to do nothing. Now I work for an insurance company. I just cried, just now.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Wedding Invitation Drafts

1) We're getting married on Oct. 7th. If you don't come, we'll think you don't care about us!

2) No, seriouly, we really are this time!

3) On October 7th of this year, Kym and Spencer will be exchanging their vows of love, cementing their lifelong partnership of fighting crime, unleashing vigilante justice upon evil pirate assassins by the light of the quarter moon. It'll be fucking awesome! What? Maeve will wait in the car. Yes, the doors will be locked. Geez. Lighten up. The wedding will take place....

4) On Octover 7th of this year, you are invited to Kym and Spencer's wedding, where they will swear their love to each other, before the world and their enemies.

5) We are getting married! The ceremony will take place October 7th of this year, at Kym's parents' home, and we would love if you could come and see how hot the woman I'm marrying is!


Blogger Berry said...

What... no mention of food?

9:52 AM  
Blogger Just Spence said...

well, these were initial drafts, mind you. i was trying to capture the spirit before cracking down on the details.

9:56 AM  

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